Tick Tock…Green Monday Sales

December 8, 2014

Time is a tickin’, so what are you waiting for?!!  Not that I have a right to talk, because I am the Queen of Procrastination, but seriously the holidays are just around the corner.  I also have Casey’s birthday coming up…the big 3-2 this Saturday, so I really REALLY don’t have time to mess around!!  I’ve been on Amazon a lot these days.  Because I get a lot of things for Harley (diapers and wipes, diapers and wipes), I am constantly on there searching for items.  Amazon probably has the greatest variety of items which makes it easy when buying gifts for multiple people.

Even though I need to focus my attention on what gifts to get, here are a few (of the many) items I’m debating getting for myself because clearly I need more things…NOT!

- Sunflowers and Stilettos blog

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