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Work Outs, Exercises, Healthy Recipes

Faster Way to Fat Loss workout pic, FWTFL review

Faster Way To Fat Loss: First Impression

Hi friends! I want to take this opportunity to share my initial thoughts or “first impression” if you will on the Faster Way to Fat Loss program, after completing my first round. In full transparency, I had done the program YEARS ago, and it’s…

February 28, 2024
FWTFL program, Faster Way to Fat Loss program

An Introduction to the Faster Way to Fat Loss Program

Embracing a healthier lifestyle becomes even more crucial as we age. As I approach my 39th birthday, the desire to prioritize fitness and well-being takes center stage. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about the Faster Way to Fat Loss program, what…

January 22, 2024
clean Beauty, Beauty Counter, Lawless Beauty

Friday Five: Edition Two

Happy first Friday of October!! HOW in the world is it October already?! Does anyone else feel like this has been the quickest year ever?! I certainly feel that way. I keep telling people "I just had a baby," however, baby Elie is officially…

October 5, 2018
Friday Five Edition One, Sunflowers and Stilettos blog

Friday Five: Edition One

Happy Friday and happy August friends! I’m really excited to roll out this new “Friday Five” series, where I’ll be sharing five random things. Things that I love, things that I’m inspired by, things that make me smile, or things that I have found…

August 3, 2018
Whole30 week 2 meal plan

Whole30: Week 2 Recap + Meal Plan

You guys!!!! I can't believe I've made it half way to completing my first Whole30! Wohoo!! Well, technically tomorrow is the official half way point, but I'm still celebrating! This week was easier in some ways and harder in others. I truly didn't have…

January 15, 2017