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cranberry sleeveless turtleneck top

Sleeveless Turtleneck Top + Lace Up Flats

Happy Monday and happy October!! Can you believe it?!! Where oh where has the time gone? I wore this outfit a month ago in the million degree weather and 100% humidity, and am finally getting around to posting it. #MOMLIFE #FOREVERBUSY guys know…

October 3, 2016
Jaime Cittadino of Sunflowers and Stilettos fashion and beauty blog

3 Ways To Update Your Fall Wardrobe

One of the reasons I love fall fashion so much is because it totally embraces casual chic style. And I'm about that life! Whether you're a minimalist or one to welcome all of the new trends, there are easy ways to update your…

September 9, 2016
10 Things I Swore I Wouldn't Do As A Parent That I Totally Do

10 Things I Swore I Wouldn’t Do As A Mom That I Totally Do!

Oh the things we say [and think] before becoming a parent. Why is it that we truly believe that when it's our turn to raise a tiny human, everything is going to be perfect. Temper tantrums? Not my child! Blatantly ignoring me? Nope! Could never happen! Bribing my…

September 1, 2016
mommy and me fashion shoot

Freshly Picked Moccasins

After my baby shower, I remember going through the incredibly thoughtful gifts we were spoiled with, while anticipating Harley's arrival. As I was organizing it all, the emotions started taking over. The nerves...the excitement...the fear....the joy.…

August 30, 2016
Summer Trends You Can Still Wear in Fall

5 Summer Trends You Can Still Wear in Fall

I know, I're eager for those pumpkin spice lattes, the smell of pine cones in the air, and the opportunity to wear your most cozy comfy sweaters. I'm right there with you! Believe me. I've expressed many many times that my most favorite season…

August 25, 2016