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Updates on my first pregnancy and experiences as a new mom!

Bump Day – 15 Weeks

 Baby Update: Baby C is about 4 inches long, the size of a navel orange.  Compared to last week, he or she is moving a lot more (may be having a dance party in there) and possibly hiccuping.  Not knowing the gender is driving…

March 26, 2014

Bump Day: 14 Weeks

Since announcing our pregnancy, it has been overwhelming to receive so much love from everyone!  I can’t even begin to explain how appreciative Casey and I are of all of the support [and how thrilled I am to not keep it a secret anymore]!! …

March 19, 2014

Bump Day – 13 Weeks

God, it feels so great to let the world know I’m preggers!  I am good at keeping serious secrets, but exciting news, especially about me has been the hardest thing to keep from everyone.  I found myself telling random people who didn’t know my…

March 12, 2014

Just A Little Announcement…

Photo Credit: Lindsay Wynne Photography Surprise!!!  We’re Prego!!!!! Baby Cittadino Coming September 2014 Stay tuned for “Bump Day” updates every Wednesday!      …

March 6, 2014