photos by Portrait District
Oh heyyyyyy!!! It’s me. Your long lost friend, Jaime. Considering January is almost over, I figured it was time I came out from hiding to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!
It’s 2 0 1 9!!!!
It’s funny… one of my new year resolutions is to put more time and focus into this website to create quality, helpful, resourceful content for YOU! Yet, here I am, 22 days into the month and just now sharing my first post of the year.
I just want to take a second to say how much I appreciate every single one of you who comes and checks out this website of mine. I am possibly the world’s worst blogger, as I’m inconsistent, don’t always follow through with my plans, and go MIA for over a month!
I’m not here to make excuses or even apologize. In a weird way, I’m content with not being the best at everything, all the time. It’s literally impossible [for me] to master it all. But, every day I win at something and try to focus on that.
There are so many things that bring me joy, and so many things I have to be proud of. Sunflowers and Stilettos included. I’m not even sure that I have a point to all of this, but just wanted you to know that I’m here, I’m back, and I’ve missed you all so.
So here’s to a brand new year! A year that I’ve decided to put the focus back on myself, my health, and my well being. A year of less guilt, and more acceptance. A year of less anxiety, and more peace. A year of less “everyone else,” and more me.